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Comic Con

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Comic Con Empty Comic Con

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:43 pm

Dennis and I just got back from Comic Con, which was amazing, we got tons of stuff and spent too much money. I dressed as Rorschach, of course. Two years from now. We're all driving down together, I am dressing as PAC-MAN, Mark is Blinky, Gil is Pinky, Matt is Inky, and Dennis is Clyde. We are going to play a giant game of PAC-MAN in the isles and have someone film it from the Overlooking upstairs. It will be epic. Next year though... Who knows...


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Comic Con Empty Re: Comic Con

Post by Guest Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:09 am

riiiight....... if u can figure out a way for it to work out, i guess im fine with it.


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Comic Con Empty Re: Comic Con

Post by Guest Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:54 pm

Haha, you asshole, you should have brought me Razz


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Comic Con Empty Re: Comic Con

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