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Cereal Mascots

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Cereal Mascots Empty Cereal Mascots

Post by Pheonix Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:25 pm

Found this on stumbleupon, thought I'd share with you guys. Warning, this is messed up:

you know what's ALWAYS bothered me? cold cereal mascots
I mean that is just some FUCKED UP crap
the Trix rabbit, for example
I dunno man... if I were him I'd be fucking KILLING some kids
I remember a commercial where the fuckin rabbit WENT INTO A FUCKIN STORE AND BOUGHT A BOX OF TRIX WITH HIS OWN FUCKIN MONEY.
fuckin kids came outta NOWHERE and basically fuckin mug the poor stupid b**** rabbit
"silly rabbit Trix are for kids"
Fuckin rabbit just sits there and looks depressed.
f**k NO that wouldn't fly with me
I'd have pimp-slapped EVERY ONE OF those fuckin bitches
and made them go get me the REST of a "complete breakfast" and eat Trix right in front of them bitches and THEN beat the crap out of them some more.
and wtf is with the disguises? All the dumb rabbit does is hide his ears and all of a sudden he's a fuckin kid?
I dunno about you, but if I SAW a 6 foot fuckin RABBIT with his ears tucked under a baseball cap, I wouldn't immediately think
"Hey, there's a cool lookin human kid, let me go over and share some of my cereal with him"
I'd be thinking
"that's a 6 foot fuckin RABBIT with his ears tucked under a baseball cap... what the f**k was I just smoking?"
another thing... wtf is up with cereal being "A part of this complete breakfast"
last time -I- checked, cereal WAS breakfast
they show a big ass bowl of frosted flakes next to a waffle, a pancake, toast, a banana, a fuckin grapefruit... who the f**k eats a breakfast that big
not me
I don't even EAT breakfast nomore
I mean, I eat when I get up
b****, you make my fucking sausage and egg sandwich when I pay you the fucking money
don't give me that crap.
Back to stupid cereal mascots...
Lucky Charms.
Lucky can turn the fucking MOON into a marshmallow, and he can't escape a bunch of fucking 6 year olds?!?!?
C'mon now, Lucky.
I KNOW your b**** ass has got to have a "Blow the fucking kids up" spell SOMEWHERE
or make "kid marshamllows" and EAT those bitches.
"They're after me Lucky Charms!"
KILL THEM, b****!
I dunno why I went off on this rant here
it's just always bothered me."

Also from the same site:
Saying that Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders

i beat the internet
the end guy is hard

The first time hypr opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
wtf are donut seeds

Jakefeb3: do you know a turtles only weakness?
AvatarOfSolusek: no
AvatarOfSolusek: well
AvatarOfSolusek: thier slowness
Jakefeb3: there weakness is they cant roll over when they are on their backs
AvatarOfSolusek: lol
Jakefeb3: now i have a plan
Jakefeb3: if i duck tape 2 turtles together they are unstoppable

Spin: arrrr, pirates of the south west
Spin: thar be large pipes o'bandwith near ye'ol univarsety.
Pirate: yearg, ye may be an ta somethan thar.
Spin: what say ye we pull yonder USB hard disk longside yonder NMSU puter and begin tha lutin and plunderin.
Pirate: yearg. The master done gaved me a testin machine with a grand ol CDR.
Pirate: Avast!
Pirate: MP3s off the starboard bow!
Spin: stere clear of ye porn pop ups rollin in from tha east.
Pirate: I have mah trusty Opera browsa to help me fend em off.
Spin: encrypt the data holds, batton down thar security patches, argh thar be spyware abound.

i like stalked this girl sorta Very Happy
like once she asked me for a ride home from work
and i took her home... i dropped her off at her house
and shes like... wait a minute..how did you know where i lived?

Some dude tried to break in last night at like 2am, but I was on the comp and it's like right beside the window so I heard the faggot.
Anyways, I grabbed the folding chair and as soon as he was like halfway through I beat the fucking crap out of him.
So he's laying here unconscious and I call the cops. Once they get here, they search him and look at what he fucking had:
8 track tape (unlabeled), Flashlight (no batteries), Half eaten box of Fig Newtons, Measuring tape, Instructions to "Monopoly."
Dude, you killed McGuyver!

i don't have hard drives. i just keep 30 chinese teenagers in my basement and force them to memorize numbers

I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself.

<+kritical> christin: you need to learn how to figure out stuff yourself..
<+Christin1> how do i do that

tetris is so unrealistic

LITTLETON, Colo. - Colorado officials plan to try a 15-year-old boy as an adult for allegedly offering a Sony PlayStation to have his aunt killed.
is it modded?

Today my History class took a feild trip to the Museum of Tolerance. Its a museum showing kids not to be prejudice and all that good stuff.
Anyways, one exhibit is two doors next to each other. One door has a sign hanging over it saying "Those with prejudice walk through this door" The other door's sign said "Those without prejudice walk through this door". Obviously the door for people without prejudice isn't openable because as the tour guide says "Everyone has prejudice".
So, I start tugging on the door and say "What the hell is wrong with this damn door, did some damn Jew make this?" and the tour guide kicked me out and i had to sit in the bus for 15 minutes

Jesus Saves
passes to Moses, SCOOOOORE

Time for my prayers:
Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!
May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!
May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven.
Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.
Please don't give us root access on some poor d00d'z box when we're too pissed off to think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the fbi off our backs, we'd appreciate it.
For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.

so my speakers haven't beeen working for a while
they were plugged into the mic port
umm, i think they are color-coded
haha, i know
i usually just reach back there and guess which hole it is
* npl has set the topic on channel #cell6 to i usually just reach back there and guess which hole it is

Rizen: I thought you didn't bang chicks, only me.

#1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

So I discovered that half my students are failing because they just read bash.org every day in class.
How'd you determine that?
One of them *accidentally* e-mailed me explaining how no one does anything in the class, dumbasses.
So if you're reading this, students, GET TO FUCKING WORK! MODULE 10!

* Quits: crag-- (crag@ (Dead girls dont say no)
* Quits: KiM (KiM@ (going for a walk :p)
<@ShowDowN> that is sick
<@ShowDowN> we should ban him next time he comes in
<@nekro> yeah, who the hell goes for walks

Diana Ross' husband died
fell while climbing in South Africa or something
that's sad
i guess there is a mountain high enough

lemonlimeskull: Keith dodged a serious bullet thanks to his massive stupidity.
Opium: Hmm?
lemonlimeskull: Well, as you may know he lost his license months ago
lemonlimeskull: So he's been biking everywhere, which has lead to him losing a bunch of weight
lemonlimeskull: He bikes to Walmart today and as soon as he gets to the electronics department, realizes his wallet's fallen out, probably somewhere along the highway.
lemonlimeskull: So he takes the memory card he wanted, puts it up in his baggy sleeve, and goes to leave.
killjay: Uh oh
lemonlimeskull: Yeah.
lemonlimeskull: Naturally, security stops him as he gets within 5 feet of the front doors. This huge obese woman who is obviously having a really bad day - or just hates her job.
killjay: o crap
lemonlimeskull: She stops him, GRABS his arm, RIPS up his sleeve, and WRENCHES the card out of his hand.
lemonlimeskull: He knows he's screwed so he starts crying in the middle of the fucking store. He cries all the way back to the security office, and everyone's staring at him the whole way.
Opium: So he's sitting in jail right now
lemonlimeskull: That's the awesome part. The manager takes a look at him, notices the bike helmet, poorly fitting clothes, lack of any ID whatsoever, and the fact that he's crying like a three year old.
killjay: .... -_-
lemonlimeskull: Yes. He was let go and the security woman got chewed out for hurting a "retarded kid".

if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN

The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"

I got all of these from bash.org.

Number of posts : 555
Age : 29
Steam Name : F
Registration date : 2007-03-12


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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

Post by Guest Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:04 pm

lol sound like my kinda place.


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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

Post by Guest Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:57 pm



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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

Post by Guest Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:30 pm

whats with kids and the prevention of animated mascots with cereal?!?!?


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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

Post by Guest Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:25 am

merk over 1000 posts


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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

Post by Guest Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:25 am

wait... over 900


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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

Post by Guest Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:25 am

i feel dumb


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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

Post by Guest Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:27 am

lol...someday....i will have OVER 9000!


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Cereal Mascots Empty Re: Cereal Mascots

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